The painful effects of emotional abuse may not appear obvious to the outside world but they are very real. Emotional abuse is insidious in this way. It can hide under the guise of friendship, a romantic relationship, family, or boss. If you are seeking emotional abuse counseling, PFLC is here to support you as you process your experiences and guide you towards a fulfilling life.
Understanding Emotional Abuse
Some people are fully aware that emotional abuse is occurring and are struggling to break out of their current circumstances. For others, it’s difficult to even admit that the way a loved one is treating them might be inappropriate, disrespectful, or abusive. If you are wondering if you or someone else is being emotionally abused, review this list of some abusive behaviors and warning signs:
Emotionally Abusive Behaviors
- Controlling behaviors like forbidding a partner to go certain places, see particular people, or spend their time in specific ways
- Expecting you do things “to prove you love me”, despite you’re not wanting to participate in that behavior
- Withholding affection until they have gained what they desire
- Threatening suicide if abandoned
- Blaming you for their mean, critical, or humiliating behaviors
- Employing guilt and shame as a means of getting what they want
- Using a person’s sexual orientation as leverage and threatening to “out” them to their community
- Demanding that all monies be placed under their exclusive control
- Insist that things be done their way because, “I only want what is best for you/us/family”; regardless of their apparent unreasonableness
- Constantly demanding that loyalty and love be proved
The Effects of Being Emotionally Abused
- Becoming emotionally isolated and distrustful
- Living in a permanent state of guiltiness
- Chronic pain and muscle tension
- Insomnia and intense nightmares
- Frequent crying
- Second-guessing the accuracy of your memory and truth of your experiences
- Depression
- Becoming either extremely dependent or extremely independent
- Low self-esteem and self-worth
- Always feeling like walking on eggshells
Symptoms of Emotional Abuse in Children
- Seeming uncaring and unaffectionate towards their parents
- Acting oddly mature for their age, knowing things you wouldn’t expect a child to know
- Becoming either very stoic or expressing emotions with higher intensity than normal for their age
- Lack social skills
- Changes in eating habits
- Anxious, highly fearful of messing up, perfectionist tendencies
Any one of these symptoms or behaviors alone does not necessarily indicate emotional abuse. A parent may act out under immense stress in an isolated incident. Some children are naturally more mature or immature. Certain personalities are more inclined to be perfectionistic. It is, however, important to note if there are repeated signs that emotional abuse may be happening.
Contact Us For Emotional Abuse Counseling
Dr. Gene Devers is here to assist you on your personal journey towards growth. Therapy can help you recover your sense of self-worth and help you lead a life free from the effects of emotional abuse. Call PFLC at (215) 677-3810 between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, to speak to a member of our team and set up an appointment. Outside of this time, please leave us a message so we may respond to you during our office hours. You can also connect with us by filling out our online request form.
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