If you have sought counseling before, or are looking for a counselor now, you know that finding the right therapist is important. You need to feel that you can trust them and that they’ll set you on the right path towards healing and progress. If you’re searching for a therapist in Philadelphia, Dr. Eugene Devers & Associates provide therapy and counseling services at Philly Family Life Counseling.
4 Signs You’ve Found the Right Philadelphia Therapist
- First impression are often helpful signs of a good fit. The right therapist begins with the right location. Does the location boost your motivation to keep your appointments, or reduce it? Also, do you experience a sense of entering a waiting room or reception area as you walk into the office? The right therapist experience will often begin as soon you enter the office of your clinician. Do you experience a sense of entering a comfortable, relaxed, and inviting space? At Philly Family Life Counseling in NE Philadelphia, you will experience the warmth of a burning fireplace, an assortment of light refreshments, often a warm greeting from Wyatt, the golden retriever that works with Dr. Gene Devers, as well as other experiences to greet you supportively. First impressions are important for overall motivation and a positive, rewarding counseling experience.
- You are comfortable and feel truly heard. When looking for a therapist, chemistry matters. Fit matters! Everyone processes differently, so it’s helpful to voice if you need warmth and sensitivity or someone who is straightforward and practical. Finally, you need to work with a therapist who makes you feel acknowledged, listened to, and validated. When you call to schedule your first appointment, are you greeted by a voicemail message with a statement that someone will get back to you, or does a knowledgeable, caring person answer the call?
- You are receiving help reaching your specific goals. The right therapist can help you create an individualized action plan. This applies to a variety of reasons for seeking counseling. You could be chasing that dream job, learning to cope with anxiety, or searching for a new sense of normalcy after grieving a loss. Regardless of what your goals are, you need a personalized game plan in order to grow successfully. Finding the right therapist provides the opportunity to work with a specialist who is experienced in helping people create and prioritize attainable goals.
- You are developing a deeper understanding of yourself. Therapy sessions should lead to self-reflection and self-discovery. It’s an opportunity to learn more about how you operate: what motivates you, your desires, your influences, what helps you thrive, how you best give and receive love from others, etc. Increased self-understanding will help you to pursue things that bring you joy, create necessary life boundaries, and foster emotional health.
Therapist in Northeast Philadelphia
Philly Family Life Counseling seeks to provide clients with therapy sessions that are comfortable, calming, and centered around your unique journey. Get in touch with us at 215/677-3810 to schedule an appointment with a qualified counselor. Philly Family Life Counseling is located in the vicinity of Grant Ave & Krewstown Rd in Northeast Philadelphia.
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